
The most famous Americans

The USA is a great country that has given the world many famous names. Political and public figures, artists and artists, writers, inventors and test pilots – these people have played an important role in the development of society, left a bright trace in the history of mankind.

George Washington – the first popularly elected president of the United States of America, participated in the war with Great Britain for independence, was one of the authors of the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson – 3rd President of America, one of the creators of the Declaration of Independence. On the basis of his collection of books the Library of Congress of the USA was created. During his reign, the purchase of Louisiana from France was accomplished.

Benjamin Franklin – 6th President of the USA, the only one whose signature is on three fundamental documents of American statehood: the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1783, which approved the end of the war of 13 British colonies for independence.

Abraham Lincoln – 16th President of the United States, one of the founders of the Republican Party and its first candidate to win the election of the head of state. His activities led to the outbreak of the Civil War, which led to the abolition of slavery.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt – 32nd President of the United States, who successfully led the country during the Great Depression and World War II.

Richard Nixon – 37th President of America, famous for his involvement in the Watergate scandal, which led to his early resignation under threat of impeachment.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy is the 35th President of America, whose reign is associated with such moments of Cold War aggravation as the Berlin and Caribbean crises, the start of the Apollo space program. The high-profile assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas in front of thousands of fellow citizens still draws attention to his personality.

Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright – pilots, aircraft designers who made the first controlled flight in an airplane of their own making.

Samuel Finley Blise Morse – American inventor who created the electromagnetic writing telegraph (Morse machine) and the code for it – Morse code.

Alexander Graham Bell – scientist, inventor, one of the founders of telephony, founder of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

Amadeo Giannini – founder of Bank of America.

Neil Armstrong – American astronaut who was the first to set foot on the moon. Nil

John Rockefeller – entrepreneur, the first dollar billionaire in American history.

Jack London – writer, social activist, author of adventure stories and novels.

Henry Ford – American automobile manufacturer, founder of Ford Motor Company, who pioneered the use of conveyorized flow production for a technically complex product – the automobile.

Thomas Alva Edison – inventor, creator of the phonograph, kinetoscope, incandescent light bulb, iron-nickel battery, worked on improving the telephone and telegraph.

Robert Oppenheimer – American scientist-physicist, creator of the atomic bomb.

James Fenimore Cooper – novelist, classic of adventure literature.

Ernest Miller Hemingway – writer, journalist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

George Gershwin – American composer and pianist, author of musicals, operas, symphonic works, creator of the symphojazz style.

Charles Edward Ives – founder of the new American school of composers of the twentieth century.

George Soros – financier, creator of the Soros Foundation network of charitable organizations.

Steve Jobs – entrepreneur, inventor, industrialist, one of the founders of Apple Corporation.

Louis Armstrong – famous jazz performer who had a significant influence on its development and popularization.

Ella Fitzgerald – jazz vocalist, 13-time Grammy Award winner.

Andy Warhol – artist, designer, writer, filmmaker, and a colorful figure in the history of Pop Art.

William Faulkner – writer, Nobel laureate. Author of novels, short stories, screenplays.

Alfred Hitchcock – screenwriter, film director, who worked in the thriller genre.

Stephen King – writer who worked in the genres: horror, thriller, fantasy, mysticism, drama. Received the nickname “the king of horror”.

Robert Sheckley – science fiction writer, author of novels, short stories and novellas.
Walt Disney – animator, director, screenwriter, producer, founder of the Walt Disney Company.

Theodore Dreiser – American author and social activist.

Martin-Luther King – African-American Baptist preacher, leader of the black civil rights movement in the United States.

Estee Lauder is an American businesswoman and founder of the Estee Lauder Corporation.

Brothers Dick and Mac McDonald – founders of McDonalds.

Solomon Guggenheim – philanthropist, creator of the Guggenheim Foundation, founder of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Martha Graham – American dancer and choreographer, one of the creators of the American modern dance technique. Marta Grem – The Most Famous Americans.

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